Aquabot - Older Model Need Number for new parts

I have an older model which has no model number on it. I need to order parts please. All I have are a few pictures I can send to help determine the model number. Can you help? If so, where can I send part pictures?

Hello RichardF - We’d be glad to assist you. Could you provide the serial number? Pictures of the cleaner will help as well.


Pictures sent to already. Serial number is in one of the pictures. 5 pictures sent. Please confirm receipt

Below are the pictures we received.

We will contact Aquabot and see if they can identify the exact model. We’ll let you know as soon as we get a response.

Perfect! Thanks for your help!

We were advised that this is an old Merlin model (from 2000). You can view all of the available parts on our Leslie’s Merlin Parts Page.

Thank you for shopping with!

Thanks for being so quick! Will do!!!


Link does not work.

RichardF - You may be having an issue if you’re trying to pull up the link from your phone. We’re having some issues with Chrome and the mobile version of our site. Try using a different browser other than Chrome. We were able to use the Safari browser and pull up the page.

Internet Explorer and not on my phone. If you’re having that many problems with several browsers, it’s time for a new server!

I was able to use Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge without an issue (see video link.) Might want to check your browser settings or wifi.

Oh well, nothing is connecting. Let me know when you get your website back up.

I’m at work, maybe it’s blocked. However, I can’t even log into either. I can get all other websites, just not yours.

Well, it sounds like an issue on your end. But we will keep an eye out to make sure the problem does not persist.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks, Matt. Costs seem really high to repalr an old model. I have found a 3 year old model online for less money, I think I’ll go that route. Thanks for your help.

Glad we were able to help you. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance with your pool care needs. Have a great day!

Thank you,
