AstralPool Cartridge Filter

Hi team,

My new pool comes with this AstralPool Cartridge Filter and I was wondering if I need to clean it and backwash it frequently? Or just leave it as it is?



A good indicator that the cartridge needs cleaning is when the pressure rises 10% or more above the “clean” cartridge pressure.  Check out our guide on The Best Ways to Clean Your Pool Filter Cartridge for some tips.

Be sure to inspect it regularly to be sure there are no leaks, and rinse the inside of the filter body when you remove and clean the cartridge to get rid of any gritty dirt that may have settled in there.

If your filter pressure does not rise up (some indoor pools, screened-in pools, or pools with oversized filters don’t get much of a pressure increase) then get on a quarterly schedule to take it apart and clean it.  A garden hose with a small nozzle is usually enough to clean it.