Can't Find Part


We recently moved a pool and are currently putting it back together and are missing a piece. We can’t seem to find the piece online anywhere. Perhaps someone could assist. It is a 24’ above ground Vogue pool. I’ve attached a picture of the piece.

Thank you!

We’d be glad to assist you. I don’t recognize this as a Vogue bottom rail. Could you post a picture of the outside pool wall and a picture of the top cap?

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Thank you for your response! I have also attached a picture of the writing on the inside of the bottom rail in case that could help.

The was called a Vogue New Wave or New Era. Unfortunately, Vogue discontinued the parts on that model and they do not offer any suitable replacements.

I am in the same boat… you can see my post here: I really love the pool. My parts are 95% good, and I think the ones that have some damage I can fix. Do you happen to have the instructions? If you ever want to sell parts, I would be interested.

Marceli - You may have some luck with the instructions if you contact the manufacturer. Vogue is part of Wilbar now.

Did you ever find parts for this model?