Downsizing my waterfall pump

I have a Hayward SP3020EE (K48N2194) pool pump being used for my waterfall.  It’s much too big for the application and I have to throttle the flow considerably.  The motor (ST1202) needs replacing and I’d like to use a smaller motor (1hp?) to reduce the flow.  Can I do this? If so then what other pump parts will need to be replaced?


Hello Chester - We’d be glad to assist you. You could reduce the 2HP ST1202 to a 1HP ST1102. You need to get the full rated 1HP impeller. The part number is SPX3010C. Also, the impeller ring should be replaced. The part number is SPX3005R.

We would also recommend replacing the seals when you replace the motor. The kit is part number GOKIT2 or GOKIT2SALT for salt water pools.

Thanks for the response InyoRob,

This is great.  A couple of other questions if you please…

  1. Could i use the SPX3007C impeller to reduce the flow even further? My total head is about 7 feet.

  2. Given the reduced duty could I use a UST1102 motor for this downgrade?

Thanks - Chet

Assuming the waterfall doesn’t need a huge amount of flow (>80gpm), you could go with the SPX3007C impeller and a UST1102 motor.