Getting air in filter basket

I just changed my 1.5 HP Hayward superpump to a 1.65 Hayward Maxflo VS pump (model SP2303). At max speed (3450rpm) all air bubbles disappear while looking into the strainer cover. At lower speeds, air bubbles, not only return, but get to a point where the water level reaches the top of the strainer basket. I’ve sprayed soapy water all around intake plumbing joints with no evidence of soapy water in the strainer basket.

What confuses me…if I have a leak in the suction side causing the air bubbles at lower rpms, wouldn’t I get the same, if not more air at higher rpms?

New plumbing is a carbon copy of the old plumbing.

I misspoke. Plumbing is slightly different from old plumbing. The I added the QD’s on the skimmer and main drain line for ease of maintenance.

Hello Kenny - It is normal to see air in the pump strainer when variable speeds pumps operate at lower RPMS. You can rule out the air leak idea by running the pump at the max speed and shutting it down. If there is an air leak, the pump will lose it’s prime and water will drain out. If it holds the prime, you do not have an air leak.

Thank you for the response. Just not used to seeing ANY air bubbles with my old single speed. Do you think is should replumb with a straighter approach to my pump and get rid of those 90s?

The pump would perform better if there were not 90s right in front of the pump.