Looking for Rails and Caps

We are trying to locate rails and caps for our above-ground pool. However, we are unsure as to the manufacturer. Therefore, we have attached a photo in the hope that you might be able to identify the type of pool and necessary replacements visually. The measurements for the rails, as far as we can ascertain, are as follows:


Width (w/angle)-18"

Width (w/o angle)-71/8"

The pool’s diameter is 24 feet.

We’d appreciate any advice/information you could provide. Thank you very much.

Thanks PJanosz can you find any part # embossed into the plastic top cap that goes in between the top rails, this # is normally on the underside of the top cap so you would need to remove the top cap to locate. Let me know.

Thank You



I got word back on this…

That should be part number 12786 49-7/8" long and 7" wide And the top cap is 13614

I’m looking for top rails and caps but don’t know maufacture please help.

Hello KellyJeff4 - It looks like the Ponderosa model. What is the size of the pool?

Looking for part numbers for top rails and caps for my 21" round pool. Rails are almost 57" long.

Hello PeterPav - This is a Delair brand pool. We do not currently carry Delair parts. We recommend trying TeddyBearPools.com.


I am looking for top caps and rails for my pool. The pool is the same brand as PJanosz but mine is an oval. Measuring at 18 x 33. The previous owners threw away all the top caps and rails, so I don’t have any numbers to reference off of. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
