Need to identify white buildup on pool coping

Anyone know what the white buildup on the pool coping is? Note, it is not on the pool tile but on the coping.

Any thoughts on removing it much appreciated.


Used a pool brush with water and lightly went over the “white” depoits. They came off immediately as shown in this picture


Will see if they come back… Bill

Hello Bill - Looks like scale to me. Was the water level up around the coping for any period of time?

We had a recent rain storm here in southern California. Wonder if that caused it.

You mentioned scale. interesting. The pool chemistry readings are in the right range but I don’t think I tested for Calcium level.

Is it a salt water pool? Maybe the water level rose and when it came back down, the salt residue was left behind.

Not a saltwater pool…

I am still toying with this recurrent issue. I suspect it could be effloresence, not calcium buildup. (Still ir’s odd.  The pool water was entirely replaced about 7 months ago and the water Calcium hardness is about 395. HIgher than I’d like. The Calium hardness from the hose used to fill the pool is 163.)