How To Operate the Game Sand Pro 50 Filter System.


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The Game Sand Pro 50 Filter multiport valve has 7 settings: 1-Filtration, 2-Rinse, 3-Circulation, 4-Backwash, 5-Closed, 6-Purge/Drain, and 7-Winterize. This guide explains the function of these settings and then describes the sequence of settings to perform filter functions like cleaning your filter's sand and cleaning debris out of your pool.

Step by Step


Step 1

An important word of CAUTION: ALWAYS TURN OFF THE PUMP BEFORE CHANGING VALVE SETTINGS (1.e. rotating the valve handle from filter to backwash, etc.). Changing valve settings while the pump is running can cause permanent damage to your valve and spider gasket within the valve. If you blow your spider gasket, water will leak (or pour) into unintended ports.

Step 2

The 7 valve setting are labeled around the top of the valve as 1 through 7. The correlation of these number setting to filter functions is shown on the top side of the filter (e.g. 1 = Filtration, 2= Rinse, etc.).

Step 3

1- FILTRATION. This is the normal setting for filtering your pool water and for regular vacuuming. Water from the pool is pumped into the "IN" port to the top of the filter. Contaminates are removed as the water makes it way down through the sand to the bottom strainer and out the "OUT" port on its way back to the pool.

Step 4

2- RINSE. After backwashing, the sand is loose and needs to be reset. Also any dirty water from backwashing has to be rinsed out of the filter to waste to prevent it from returning to the pool. With the valve in rinse mode, water is directed from the "IN" port to the top of the tank to compress the sand. As in the filter setting, the water flows down though the Sand Filter Chamber and back up though the Filtered Water Chamber but instead of going out the "OUT" port to the pool, the water is diverted out the "WASTE" port.

Step 5

3- CIRCULATION. This setting is used to bypass the filter during certain pool cleanups and chemical treatments when you don't want the water contaminating the sand. Water enters the valve through the "IN" port and exits directly back to the pool through the "OUT" port without going through the sand.

Step 6

4- BACKWASH. After a period of time, the contaminates start to clog the sand to the point where water flow is significantly diminished and the pressure gauge rises 8 to 10 psi above normal operation readings. To clean out the contaminates, you have to backwash the sand. In the backwash setting water flow is reversed though the filter. Water comes from the "IN" port down to the bottom of the filter, then back up through the sand to flow out the top exit of the filter and out the "WASTE" port to an external drain. As the water flows up though the sand, the sand is lifted about 2 inches above its normal height releasing the trapped contaminates to be purged out in the waste water.

Step 7

5- CLOSED. This setting is used for shutting off all flow to the filter and pool. Water flow is stopped at the "IN" port. WARNING. DO NOT RUN THE PUMP IN THIS SETTING. Water under pressure will have nowhere to go.

Step 8

6- PURGE/DRAIN. This setting is used to bypass the filter when you want to vacuum large amounts of debris out of the pool, or after an algae treatment, or just to lower the pool level. The water enters the valve though the "IN" port and exits though the "WASTE" port.

Step 9

7- WINTERIZE. Use this setting when you are closing down the pool for the winter. This will allow water to drain from the valve. It also takes pressure off the internal valve components during storage. WARNING. DO NOT RUN THE PUMP IN THIS SETTING.

Step 10

Common Filter Operation - The balance of this guide describes the sequence of valve setting required to accomplish some of the common filter operations.

Step 11

Initial Start Up - After installation or after changing the filter's sand, you will want to clean the dust and very small particles out of the sand so that they do not go through the bottom strainer and cycle into the pool. 1-First turn the pump off, 2- place the valve in "5" - Closed position. 3- Allow the filter tank to fill with water. 4- Go to Backwash below.

Step 12

Backwash - 1- Make sure the pump is off. 2- Place the valve in "4", Backwash position. 3- Turn on the pump. 4- Run the pump until the flush water is clean (usually 2-5 minutes). 5- turn off the pump. 6- Rotate the valve to "2", Rinse position. 8- Turn on the pump. 9- Run the pump for 1-2 minutes to settle the sand and remove any residue. 10- Rotate the valve to the "1", Filtration position. 11_ Turn the pump on. Add water to the pool with a garden hose to replace the water lost while cleaning the sand.

Step 13

Cleaning Excess Debris - If you have excessive debris in you pool like after a storm or when first opening the pool, do not run this debris through the filter. Use a net to remove most of the debris and then follow this procedure: 1- Turn the pump off. 2- Rotate the valve to the "6", Purge/Drain position. #- Turn the pump on. 4- Vacuum the bottom of the pool with the debris flowing out the waste port. 5- Turn the pump off. 6- Rotate the valve to "1", Filtration. 7- Turn the pump on.

Step 14

Cleaning Strainer Basket - To clean the hair and debris out of the strainer basket: 1- Shut off poser to the pump. 2- Close the shutoff valves or block the water at the pool inlet port. 3- Rotate the valve to the "5", Closed position. 4- Remove the strainer cover by unscrewing the collar. 5- Take out the strainer basket and clean it. 6- Replace the basket and screw the collar back on. 7- Open the shutoff valves of unblock the pool inlet port. 8- Rotate the valve to the "1". Filtration position. 9- Turn power on to the pump.


(1 to 26 of 26)

Anonymous  Posted: 7/17/2021 

I need to change the sand in my sandpro 50 model 4510 how much sand do I need

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/20/2021 

Requires 38 lbs of #20 silica sand.

 Posted: 6/30/2019 

I can't get the strainer basket out of the hai and lint strainer. Thought it was permanent?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/3/2019 

In the parts diagram, you can see that the basket can be removed and replaced: Game Sandpro Filter Systems

 Posted: 7/20/2018 

Hello JB - a diagram and instructions on how to install the SandPro's hoses can be found on page9, of the owner's manual.

 Posted: 7/19/2018 

Hello Toril3268 - There is a backwash fitting that comes with the Game Sand Pro 50. That fitting will thread into the waste port. There may be a plug in the waste port that needs to be removed first. Once the fitting is threaded into the waste port, you can clamp a backwash hose onto the fitting. The filter can be backwashed once the hose is in place.

 Posted: 7/19/2018 

Hoe do I hookup the vacuum hose,

 Posted: 7/18/2018 

I need to backwash my pool, and I don’t know where to place the hose/where the waste port is, please help!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/5/2017 

KAM - I am not familiar with the Sandpro 50SD with only four settings, but if the manual says "Winterize" will bypass the filter, I would use that setting. The other three settings go through the filter. I also do not know what the orange water is that is ejected into your pool when you go from "Winterize" to "Filtration". Try going from "Winterize" to "Rinse" before going to "Filtration" to clean the orange water out before first.

 Posted: 8/1/2017 

My Sandpro 50SD does not look like this one. I only have 4 settings. Filtration, Rinse, Backwash and Winterize. I'm trying to figure out out of those which one I use to bypass filter and recirculate. Ive been using winterize as its the only one in the manual that says it bypasses the filter. Also when I switch it back to filtration it shot some orange water back into my pool. How do I avoid that when switching back to filtration?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/26/2017 

Anonymous (Sand Pro) - Check that all the O-rings and gaskets are in place around and in the strainer cover. See Steps 13 -17 and 33 - 34 in our guide on "How To Upgrade an Intex Pool Pump and Filter System". Also, pull the motor from the pump housing and check that the pump's impeller is not clogged.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/25/2017 

My sandpro 75D will not build pressure.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/23/2017 

MRB - Try replacing your filter's sand, and check the connections between the pool and the pump to make sure you aren't sucking in air. Try sealing the connections with silicon glue.

 Posted: 5/21/2017 

I have to backwash my sandpro50 pump a lot because it looses pressure.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/28/2016 

Roni B - It varies with your setup but numbers between 5-20 psi are typical.

 Posted: 6/27/2016 

What is the range for a normal psi?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/5/2016 

Deb - You may have a bad spider gasket under your valve cover that is leaking water into the waste port. Here is a link to the Game Valve Gasket Kit that contains that gasket

 Posted: 6/3/2016 

my pool pump has water coming out of backwash port and I can't get it to stop

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2016 

Advice – I don’t think this pump is strong enough to handle an automatic cleaner. I would suggest getting a manual one that would extend off your pool cleaning handle. You will also need the hose to connect the cleaning head to the pool input port. See “vacuum heads”.

 Posted: 5/26/2016 

Looking for a vacuum that would be compatible with this pump. Would prefer an automatic one, but I can't seem to find one. Do you know of any? If not, do you know of a good one that's not automatic that would be the best fit for this pump?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 10/12/2015 

Valve leaks - Sounds like you may have a damaged spider gasket. See #8 on this Game Sandpro Filter Systems parts diagram. You would need to purchase this "repair kit" to replace the gasket.

Anonymous  Posted: 10/10/2015 

Valve port leaks water from the purge valve on filter setting. Seems to filter on 2 rinse setting. This is my second unit, not sure why. I ran it all night on what looked to be filtering and now have sand in the pool. Help?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/11/2014 

relerford - BACKWASH for about 2-5 minutes or until the waste water is clear. RINSE for about 1 minute. See for guide on "How To Backwash a Pool Sand Filter" for more information.

 Posted: 6/10/2014 

How long do you run system in BACKWASH? Then afterwards, how long do you run the system in RINSE?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/20/2014 

Jonah - The Game Sand Pro 50 Filter System flow rate is approximately 32 Gallons per Minute.

 Posted: 5/19/2014 

This was a helpful article - thanks! I'm just wondering if you know how many gallons or liters of water would be pumped out during the purge/drain setting? I have the Sand Pro 4510. I need to remove algae & debris after the shock treatment. I'd really appreciate the info. Thanks