

By Custom Molded Products



Part # 25563-809

Manufacturer Code 25563-809-000

Dimensions 18 3/4" OD x 4 1/4" ID x 1" Height

Alternate Part #'s W46666, W46666-GENERIC, W47521-GENERIC, W70329, _25563-809-000, CMP25563-809-000, CMP25563809000

Product Description

This is a replacement finned disk by CMP which will replace the original Baracuda / Zodiac part numbers W46666 and W47521.  It is used on the Baracuda / Zodiac G3, Alpha 3 and Alpha 3 Plus pool cleaners.


?     Asked on 1/11/2012by Guest

What is the warranty for this product?

A  Answered on 1/11/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

This product is warrantied by the manufacturer for a period of one year.

?     Asked on 12/21/2014by norm

Is the w46666 generic as good as original?

A  Answered on 12/22/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Brian M.

It is of a different design and slightly thinner material, but it will do the same job as the original.

?     Asked on 5/4/2015by james jazwinskik

I have the barracuda g3 and need this item is it the right one Jim

A  Answered on 5/4/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

James, This part will work with you Baracuda G3.

?     Asked on 7/10/2015by kevin

will this work on alpha 2? original NLA

A  Answered on 7/11/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Yes this disk will work on the Baracuda Alpha 2 cleaner.

?     Asked on 8/10/2016by Linda Mitchell

Have a generic cleaner needing new disk. need to know the diameter of the center ring.

A  Answered on 8/18/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Stacey M.

Hello Linda, part w46666 Finned Disk is DIMENSIONS 18 3/4" OD X 4 1/4" ID X 1" HEIGHT.


Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


Finned Disk was Worn and Torn

Written on 11/11/2018 by Richard

- G3 Baracuda wasn't operating well due to finned disk being worn out
- easily slid torn one off over foot pad
- placed one edge of new disk over one side of foot pad
- had to use a screwdriver (flathead) to stretch the rest of the finned disk over the foot pad a section at a time, holding the part already over until the entire disk slipped over the foot pad edge

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


The original disk folded over on itself as the vacuum moved around the pool

Written on 8/12/2018 by Guest

Very simple repair. Turned off pump, lifted vacuum from pool, removed the original disk and replaced it with the generic disk.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


The original Finned Disk would continually get part of it sucked under the whole disk and the unit would stop moving.

Written on 3/19/2018 by Guest

Easy as could be! Just take the entire unit out of the water. Grasp the fin firmly close to the inner circle. It will be somewhat tight, but just keep pulling in a circular direction and it will come off the unit. No tools required! Install the new one by just pushing it on. It really is that easy, probably 15 minutes total time, and the disk works 100% better than the original!

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