Your Pentair Kreepy Krauly Sand Shark Cleaner can be installed into your pool two different ways: directly into your pool's skimmer; or into a dedicated suction line. This guide will show you how to install and operate your Pentair Kreepy Krauly Sand Shark Cleaner through your pool's Skimmer. See our other how to guides for installing through a dedicated suction line.
InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R. Posted: 9/25/2016
Billgon - Thank you for the catch. You are correct. The basket cannot be replaced over the valve and hose. I've removed Step 18.Reply
Billgon Posted: 9/20/2016
Thank u for the video. Step 18 does not seem to be correct as cleaner hose snd height of valve will prevent skimmer basket to be inserted in skimmer.Reply