?     Asked on 11/22/2006by Guest

I currently have my pool heater hooked up in series with my pump motor, so that it turns off when the pump turns off. This heater has a digital control which I'm guessing needs power applied to it at all times. Does this mean I would need to hook the heater up to a separate circuit to maintain it's settings?

A  Answered on 11/22/2006 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

We spoke with Hayward and they stated that ideally it would be best to wire this heater to a seperate circuit but since this heater only draws .3 amps that you could wire this in series with your pump.

?     Asked on 12/29/2011by Guest

How do you know if a pool heater is a propane heater or a natural gas heater?

A  Answered on 12/29/2011 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Typically in the product name we use the abbreviation of "LP" for propane or "NG" for natural gas. Click here for a full listing of our >Pool Heaters.

?     Asked on 1/16/2012by Guest

Will a gas heater operate at the low speed of a dual speed motor?

A  Answered on 1/16/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Probably not - Most gas heater will shut off at low GPM levels (20-40) to keep the heater cores from overheating - 20 for 200 BTUs, 40 for 400 BTUs. Depending on your pool system you might get these GPM levels at the low speed but generally these heaters must be run at the motor's high speed.

?     Asked on 10/10/2012by Guest

What is the difference between an Electronic and Millivolt ignition?

A  Answered on 10/10/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The basic answer is that Millivolt is the old style of ignition, using a standing pilot light. While the electronic ignition uses a spark start system like a gas grill. Electronic ignitions are more efficient in gas usage and also are better suited for high wind areas where a pilot light might get extinguished.

?     Asked on 10/18/2012by Guest

What is the elevation rating for the Hayward H-Series Low Nox Heaters

A  Answered on 10/18/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Per Hayward, the Hayward H-Series Low Nox Heaters have an elevation rating up to 7,700'

?     Asked on 10/8/2013by Guest

Where can my heater be installed?

A  Answered on 10/8/2013 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

There are specific venting requirements and clearance distances that must be met to ensure proper operation. Consult the owner’s manual for exact specifications for your model of heater.NOTE: Gas fired heaters should be diagnosed and repaired by trained personnel.

?     Asked on 6/10/2016by Guest

Will this model work with a salt water pool?

A  Answered on 6/19/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Alex V.

Hello, If you have a salt water pool, I would recommend a cupro nickel heater: http://www.inyopools.com/heaters_hayward_lownox.aspx

?     Asked on 1/21/2017by EW

I have a H250PED2C (propane heater). I has ceased to light and displays "5F" and "H5" in the temperature display. Any thoughts?

A  Answered on 1/24/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Scott W.

I am not aware of what those error codes mean. If you give Hayward a call they should be about to help you with that. Their number is 908-355-7995 for their technical support.

?     Asked on 5/25/2018by Tom

Orifice part number HAXB0N1930 is obsolete, what would be the best replacement to install in converting model H250PED2 from LP to NA

A  Answered on 5/28/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Tom. You can use the Universal H-Series Low NOx Heater 250K BTU - NG - H250FDN as a NG replacement to the H250PED2 unit. 

?     Asked on 1/7/2019by Dan

Is there a replacement circuit board for my H250PED2? It currently used board 1134-83-5001A. Thanks


A  Answered on 1/8/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Dan. The board is not sold separately, you will need to get the H-Series Control Bezel Assembly - HAXCPA1932

?     Asked on 7/30/2019by Lee Henderson

H250PED2 Spa/Pool heater LO led keeps flashing. Water flo thru the heater is good. What else can be the matter? Thanks.

A  Answered on 7/30/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Lee. It sounds like you will have to test the High Limit Switches, Water Pressure Switch, Vent Pressure Switch, and or the Wiring Harness. Replace which one is bad. 

?     Asked on 8/12/2019by steven

Hi! I have a Hayward pool heater model #H250PED2. It starts up then shuts off after 2 seconds and HF code flashes. The techs say it’s the ignition switch. Which one would I use, I cannot seem to find it.

A  Answered on 8/14/2019 by Industry Professional

That part that would be needed is the  HAXIGN1931.