

Model # NC204

Product Description


COMPARE TO AQUABROME. This powerful and effective sanitizer kills algae and bacteria. This alternative to chlorine is great for use in swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs. Our chlorine is pH balanced so it is less harsh on skin, eyes, hair, and swimwear. Plus, bromine produces no chlorine odor, making it ideal for indoor pools. Since bromine dissolves at a must slower rate than chlorine, it must be dispensed by an automatic feeder.

Click here for more Bromine

Product Specifications

50 lbs.

?     Asked on 7/29/2006by Guest

Following chemical treatment, how long do I have to wait before I use my pool?

A  Answered on 7/29/2006 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

With the exception of superchlorinating (which requires waiting until the chlorine level drops to recommended levels), you can generally use your pool when the chemical is dispersed throughout the pool. Fifteen minutes to one hour is a good rule of thumb.

?     Asked on 2/26/2013by Guest

Are the bromine tablets are wrapped in individual plastic bags, or loose in the container?

A  Answered on 2/26/2013 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The NC204 1 inch Bromine Tablets are not individually wrapped.